COM-FSM Yap campus is located on the island of Yap. It serves 210 students each semester and about 18 – 200 students during summer. The campus offers an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Teacher Education – Elementary, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees in Telecommunications Technology, Electronics Technology, and Building Technology. Certificate of Achievement programs offered are: General Studies, Health Assistant/ Community Health Sciences, Preschool Teacher Education, Trial Counselors, Construction Electricity, Electronics Engineering, and Telecommunications Engineering.
In addition to accredited courses, Yap Campus has the flexibility and capability to offer tailored non-credit training/courses to address expressed needs in the communities. It hosts several sponsored programs: Cooperative Research & Extension (CRE), Upward Bound, and Peer Counseling Center.
Campus facilities to support student learning include a research lab, a fully equipped laboratory, Learning Resource Center, Computer Lab with internet connectivity, Voc Ed Computer Lab with specialized equipment, shops for voc ed programs, and 4 classrooms. Facilities to be constructed within the year include a student center and a classroom building.