Alcohol Policy
The purchase, possession, or consumption of alcohol
beverages are regulated by national and state law. Under national or
state law, no one under the age of 21 may purchase, sell, possess or
consume alcoholic beverages. In addition, alcohol is prohibited on
COM-FSM campuses, at COM-FSM approved or sponsored events, on COM-FSM
properties, or in the buildings, vehicles or boats used by COM-FSM for
its educational or recreational programs. Students, employees and
others found in violation of this policy are subject to criminal
prosecution and/or college disciplinary procedures.Illegal Drugs Policy
As prohibited by national and state law, COM-FSM students,
employees and others are not permitted to be under the influence of,
possess, manufacture, distribute or sell illicit drugs on COM-FSM
property, or at any COM-FSM sponsored or approved events, in COM-FSM
buildings, vehicles, and boats used for educational or recreational
programs. Conviction may result in prosecution and/or college
disciplinary procedures.Policy on Banned WeaponsPossession of banned weapons is prohibited on any COM-FSM
campus, at any COM-FSM approved or sponsored event, on any COM-FSM
property, or in the buildings, vehicles and boats used by COM-FSM for
its educational or recreational programs. Any violation of this policy
may result in prosecution and/or college disciplinary action.Policies on Prohibition of ViolenceIt is the goal and policy of
the College of Micronesia-FSM to have zero tolerance for violence on
campus, at college events, and during college related activities. This
policy will apply on all COM-FSM properties, in the buildings, vehicles
or boats used by COM-FSM, for its educational or recreational programs
or in actions taken against students where ever the act of violence may
take place.Acts of ViolenceA person who threatens, harasses or (intentionally or
unintentionally) creates an abusive or hostile environment; and/or when a
person strikes, beats, wounds or otherwise does any kind of bodily
harm to another; and/or when a person perpetrates a sexual act without consent; and/or when a person destroys or damages the personal property of another.
Note: Any member of COM-FSM community
who commits a sexual offense is subject to criminal prosecution and/or
college disciplinary procedures.
More on COM-FSM policies is provided in the Student Handbook.
Information For Victims of Sexual Assault
When a sexual offense occurs, the victim has the right to
anonymity when making a report. He/she has the option of notifying
proper law enforcement authorities both on campus (Campus Security and
Safety) and off campus (Police). Preserving evidence for the proof of a
criminal offense is important. The appropriate on-campus support
personnel which may include the Campus Dispensary Nurse, the
Vice-President for Support/Student Affairs, the Vice President of
Administration, and the Counselor Office. The contact numbers are
listed on page (4) of this brochure.
Reporting Criminal Activities and Emergencies
Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to report all suspicious activities and/or persons observed on campus, all criminal incidents and violations, and all emergencies to the Campus Security and Safety Office.
Reports should be made promptly to improve Campus Security and
Local Law Enforcement Agency’s response abilities to prevent crimes,
apprehend suspects, and/or to investigate incidents. Upon receiving a
call, the Campus Security Officer will respond immediately to the scene
of the incident. Every incident will be investigated, and filed upon
receipt of a complaint.
Any person making a report or complaint may reserve the
right to anonymity and will remain confidential. This right may be
waived upon the request of the reporter.