In order to enhance the college’s physical infrastructure and to support communication, the Information Technology (IT) Office delivers effective technology services to support college services. COM-FSM uses a CentOS 5.4 (which is equivalent to RHEL5.4) Linux server setup as a gateway to the Internet. This provides email, an Apache web server, the Squid caching web proxy, and a variety of other critical network services. Each location that COM-FSM operates has a setup that works in conjunction with this central system.
Single mode fiber optic connectivity is now in use at the National campus, and dsl type technologies will soon be used to connect all other campuses, in order to reduce reliance on T1 lines. WiFi access is available, and authenticated network users are able to use mobile devices for connectivity needs for academic, research, and other network purposes. A Learning Resource Center (LRC) and Student Information System (SIS) services are available at all campuses in real time. Website services have been expanded to accommodate direct news posting from authorized constituents from all of the college campuses. In addition, bandwidth management is in effect to maximize potential per user usability of the college’s network services.
For integration of technology resources with the college’s priorities, the Information Technology (IT) Office is working closely with all parts of the college (such as instructional and student services) to utilize all of the technology systems described above. For example, in cooperation with Instructional Affairs, IT plans to establish directions that link best instructional practices to ICT technologies, facilities, infrastructure, support staff, and capacity building (IEMP/TP1/Action Step TP1.3). In addition, to assure quality and consistency of courses and programs across sites, IT plans to improve communication across all campuses by enhancing technology infrastructures; by training faculty members; and by assisting with the development of future courses that utilize distance learning methods as a way to increase student access to required courses in order to lead to more timely completion of courses and programs across all sites.