Board Policy No. |
Title |
Related Administrative Procedure No. |
BP6001 |
Purpose and Scope |
BP6002 |
Academic Freedom |
BP6003 |
Governance |
BP6004 |
Administration |
BP6005 |
Positions and Classes of Positions |
AP6005 |
BP6006 |
Kinds of Positions and Appointments |
AP6006 |
BP6007 |
Employment |
AP6007 |
BP6008 |
Employment Contract |
AP6008 |
BP6009 |
Compensation Policies |
AP6009 |
BP6010 |
Leave Policies |
AP6010 |
BP6011 |
Employment Benefits |
AP6011 |
BP6012 |
Social Security |
AP6012 |
BP6013 |
Holidays |
AP6013 |
BP6014 |
Institutional Benefits |
AP6014 |
BP6015 |
Professional Development Plan |
AP6015 |
BP6016 |
Incentive Program |
AP6016 |
BP6017 |
Performance Evaluation |
AP6017 |
BP6018 |
Termination |
AP6018 |
BP6019 |
Employee Discipline and Protection |
AP6019 |
BP6020 |
Sexual Harassment |
AP6020 |
BP6021 |
Grievance Policy |
AP6021 |
BP6022 |
Employee Organization |
AP6022 |
BP6023 |
Outside Employment & Activities |
AP6023 |
BP6024 |
Nepotism |
AP6024 |
BP6025 |
Classification Policy |
AP6025 |
BP6026 |
Faculty Workload |
AP6026 |
BP6027 |
Tuition Wavier and Reduction |
AP6027 |
BP6028 |
Extended Employment Benefits |
AP6028 |
BP6029 |
Code of Ethics |
AP6029 |
BP6030 |
Emeritus Professor |
AP6030 |
BP6031 |
Human Resources Record Access & Confidentiality |
AP6031 |
BP6032 |
Controlled Substance and Alcohol-Free Workplace and College Premises Policy |
AP6032 |
BP6033 |
Personnel Policies |
AP6033 |
BP6034 |
Professional Dress Guidelines |
AP6034 |
BP6035 |
Rehire Eligibility |
AP6035 |
BP6036 |
Remote Work |