[RFP NO. B2020-13]

GENERAL PURPOSE: The College of Micronesia-FSM is soliciting proposals from licensed construction contractors for the project entitled “COM-FSM National Campus Renovation”.  The Project Scope include (s);

  1. Replacement of Aluminum Glass Door @ Bldg. G – Administration Building,
  2. Renovation and improvement of the meat processing area at Bldg. C – Dining Hall, and
  3. Repainting of metal post with concrete base @ covered walkways.

BID PICKUP – Bid packages containing details of the project shall be made available for pickup at the Office of the Director of Maintenance, National campus on Friday, August 21, 2020 during normal college operation hours. 

PRE-BID CONFERENCE – No Pre-Bid conference is schedule.  All bidders may call the office of the Director of Maintenance to schedule a visit of project site.

BID SUBMISSION – All proposals shall be submitted using attached bid form l;0, to the Office of the Director of Maintenance, National campus on Friday, September 4, 2020 no later than 03:00 PM at which all proposals shall be opened and read aloud. No late proposals shall be considered.

For additional inquiry, please do not hesitate to call the following;              

Francisco Mendiola320-2480 ext. 201mendiolaf@comfsm.fm
Alfred Olter320-3374alfredo@comfsm.fm

REVIEW RIGHTS – The College of Micronesia-FSM reserve the right to accept or reject any or all responses to this IFB and to enter into discussion, or negotiations with one or more qualified bidders at the same time, if such action is in the best interest of the College of Micronesia-FSM.
