The Upward Bound Program at COM-FSM/Yap Campus is a federally funded program from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education. The program services first generation college students who come from low-income families who have the motivation to successfully complete high school, enroll and succeed in post secondary education.
Types of UB Services:
Academic Program (Aug. to May)
- Daily supplemental instruction and tutorial services provided to participants;
- Academic & Personal advisement and counseling;
- Career search and advisement;
- Cultural enrichment program;
- Study skills;
- College searches, application;
- Financial Aid and Scholarship workshops;
- Saturday Instructions
- College Visit
- Student Leadership Conference
Summer Program (6 weeks)
- Intense college preparatory courses
- Preview instructions for up-coming school year
- Academic & Personal advisement and counseling
- Tutorial/Counseling/Career/Study Skills